The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation concluded the seriousness of the Swedish cancer statistics on brain tumors that could be incorrect and misleading.
Mona Nilsson, Chairman of The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation has compiled statistics from the Swedish Health Board registry’s database on the number of patients treated for brain tumors in Sweden as well as from the cancer registry and cause of death registry, during the last decade. There has been an increasing number of patients that are being treated for and have died from a brain tumor ”of unknown nature” in Sweden since 2008, but the increase is not reflected in the national cancer registry.
In 2011 Mona Nilsson, interviewed Asa Klint at the National Health Board about the Swedish cancer registry. Asa Klint had some years previously reviewed the cancer registry’s reliability. Her conclusion was that brain tumors were being under-reported. Some cases are reported to the cancer registry only after a pathological examination and a precise diagnosis has been made. According to Asa Klint, “Many brain tumors never come to pathology. We have not managed to establish good routines to solve the problem”.
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