The Galaxy Gear App is currently in testing and almost ready for the holiday’s.
If you love Android and love Samsung’s Galaxy Gear, then we have the app for you. The new N8 State app for the Samsung Galaxy Gear wearables, is about to hit the market. The App will have the N8 State technology to always keep you protected at the cellular level from Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation / Radio Frequency Radiation emitted. Currently the News, Blog, and Studies categories will have to be viewed through the N8 State phone app until further development of the Galaxy Gear wearables can be made to be supported. The app will have the traditional “Protected” and “Disabled” abilities with N8 State information to see, test and feel.
In Addition, since the app is being applied to a wearable product that is now consistently on the wearer, it gives that wearer a consistent added value advantage of protection for their body from EMF/RF Radiation, by wearing N8 State and the Galaxy Gear together, with health attributes that you might not notice at first. Attributes such as oxygenation, better blood flow, maintained cellular properties, balance, endurance , and more. Now you can start being protected from the invisible threat of polluted EMF/RF Radiation smog, every time, all the time!!!